

A group of boxes of model airplanes

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A stack of boxes with pictures of tanks

Description automatically generatedA group of model ships on a shelf

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A stack of boxes with pictures of airplanes and planes on them

Description automatically generatedA stack of boxes on a shelf

Description automatically generated

A stack of boxes on a shelf

Description automatically generatedA stack of boxes on a shelf

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A stack of boxes with pictures of tanks

Description automatically generatedA poster of a military vehicle

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A poster of a submarine

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A box of a ship on a shelf

Description automatically generatedA display of a large stack of boxes

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A group of model cars on a shelf

Description automatically generatedA stack of boxes with tanks on them

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A painting of a ship and a box on a table

Description automatically generatedA display of a group of boxes

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


A magazine cover with a tank

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Tu nás nájdete/Here you can find us:


Šustekova 12, Bratislava. Pohľad z ulice, úplne naľavo na rohu je Magnet Press/View from the street, on the far left corner there is the Magnet Press Book Shop:

Otváracie hodiny/We are open:

pondelok, utorok a štvrtok/Mon, Tue and Thu: 11:00 – 17:30

streda a piatok/Wed and Fri: 11:00 –18:00

sobota/Sat: 9:00 – 12:30


Ak na nás máte otázky, píšte sem/Contact:                                                                                                                                                                          


O firme/about the Company: modelarsky s.r.o., Medená 18, 811 02 Bratislava, IČO: 45 414 319, reg.: OR MS Bratislava III, odd. Sro, vl. č.: 63284/B, konateľ: Marcel Drgon, prevádzka: Šustekova 12, 851 04 Bratislava, zodpovedný vedúci: Marcel Drgon, tel.: (02) 62311974